Family Feud: A Game for Everyone

Hello to all the families out there! Have you been searching for a fun and interactive game that you can play together, no matter where you are? Look no further because Family Feud is here to bring joy, laughter, and a bit of friendly competition to your family gatherings, even if they’re happening online! This game is perfect for players of all ages, so kids, get ready to team up with your parents, siblings, and cousins for an exciting game night. You’ll need a Family Feud PowerPoint template, which serves as your game board. It&#…

Mom Life

3 Ways New Moms Can Healthily Shed Pregnancy Weight

It’s absolutely normal to gain weight during pregnancy, as these extra pounds are necessary to support your growing baby and the demands it puts on your body. On average, most moms-to-be gain upwards of 30 pounds through the gestational period. That said, a growing number of Canadian women have been gaining more than the usual weight during pregnancy. As per a 2021 study, about a third of all pregnant women surveyed had excessive gestational weight.
Over time, carrying this extra weight post-childbirth can result in higher chances of…

mother breastfeeding

Can I Use CBD While Breastfeeding?

Being a new mom is a whirlwind of emotions and responsibilities. You’ve got your hands completely taking care of your precious bundle, healing after childbirth, and trying to look after yourself, too. It’s a lot to handle. So, it’s no surprise that many new moms are curious about using CBD products to ease stress, chronic pain, and discomfort.
But here’s the big question: Is it okay for breastfeeding moms to use CBD? Well, the truth is, there isn’t a ton of research on how CBD affects breastfed babies. So, it’s a good …

pregnant lady holding her stomach
Updated on: Pregnancy

Mowing While Pregnant – Is It Safe?

Mowing while pregnant often raises concerns for expectant mothers. Pushing a lawn mower, whether a standard push mower or a riding lawn mower, involves considerable physical activity. This activity, nestled within the tranquility of a well-kept lawn, can be a source of exercise. It also creates a moment of peaceful outdoor experience.
However, for pregnant women, the decision to engage in such tasks comes with various considerations. The primary focus is maintaining a healthy pregnancy while balancing the desire to participate in everyday activities. Let…

Updated on: Pregnancy

The Positive Perspective: Is Vaping During Pregnancy Safe?

The topic of vaping during pregnancy has been a subject of considerable debate and concern among expectant mothers and healthcare professionals. As with any new trend, doubts and misconceptions often arise.
In this article, we aim to provide a positive perspective on the safety of vaping with the right vg to pg ratio during pregnancy by examining existing research and expert opinions.
Understanding Vaping

Updated on: Mom Life

Best Pregnancy Stretch Mark Cream

Stretch marks can exist if a certain portion of the skin is feeling tension for quite a while. They appear as if your skin is breaking. Stretch marks are very common to people who once experienced being obese and then lose weight very fast.
The same goes for pregnant women wherein their abdomens are tense because of having babies inside. Although the skin can be stretched, it has no similar properties to rubber. The amount of elasticity the two have are very different from each other.
Mothers may totally feel ecstatic as soon as they embraced their newly born babies but that joy comes with a set of implications. One of them …

Updated on: Mom Life

The 7-Best Postpartum Pads For Heavenly Relief

Most women will experience bleeding within the first 6 weeks of their postpartum stage. It is only normal since they have just given birth quite recently. However, that situation is definitely uncomfortable. In order to handle that, postpartum pads must be used.
Why postpartum pads?
Typically, they are larger pads that can be used overnight. The bleeding that happens during the first 6 weeks of postpartum occurs because the uterus is undergoing a process of repairing and healing. It can happen possibly at any time and can be a lot. For that reason, menstrual cups and tampons are discouraged to be used.
In order to …

Updated on: Mom Life

Gifts For a New Mom in the Hospital

A successful delivery marks a brand new chapter for the couple. Thanks to the efforts of the mother, the whole clan can enjoy the newly added member.
However, it is important not to overlook the accomplishment. The best you can do is to offer gifts while she is still in the hospital. If you have no idea what to give her, here are some proven-and-tested ideas:
Obviously, women like flowers unless they are allergic to them. Flowers symbolize acknowledging the presence of the female half. Sometimes, female friends can give the new mom flowers too. There is something about the beauty of flowers that just makes …

Updated on: Parenting

Peaceful Parenting Helps Parents And Kids

Discipline can be such a vague word when it comes to parenting. Oftentimes, it is being used to justify actions that can be deemed abusive. On the other hand, tolerating parents applies none of it at all in fear of being judged.
Either of those situations is unfavorable for the child, and they can suffer from it in the long run.
It is better to exercise discipline if peaceful parenting is implemented. Peaceful parenting is simply responsible parenting with a calmer voice, a more open mind, and a stronger heart. It can be tough for many parents who have not experienced such parenting during their childhood.
That is why …

Updated on: Parenting

Sleep Tips for Newborn Baby

The joy of having a newborn baby is unfathomable. But along with that newfound happiness are many challenges that accompany it. One of those challenges is putting your baby to sleep. Newborns need a lot of it since their bodily functions are still limited.
As a mother, you’ll need guidance on how to do things right. However, what may work for one baby may not work for yours. Instead of specific methods, what you need are sleeping tips. Here are 10 of them that you can try on your baby:

Realize what’s the best method, position, or situation for your baby.
Ease up during the first 3 months. Do not worry much …